I have had a lot of good experiences in 7th grade but I will tell you some of my favorite experiences of this year. One of my favorite experiences of this year is meeting new people. This year I met a lot of new people because it wasn't just everyone from my old school, it was other people too. At my old school, we all already knew each other and we all talked about when I came here I only knew about 18 people out of the whole school. This made me make more friends.

Another good experience was finding my best friend this year. She is a directioner which I don't like but we are still best friends.
Have you heard about the Columbian Exchange? Today I will tell you the positive and negative effects of the Columbian Exchange. The positive effects were that they got plants, animals, and ideas. During the exchange, people traded plants and animals to get other things. Some people got ideas to try out new things when they got unusual stuff from the exchange or they seen someone else exchanging for it. 

The negative effects were diseases. When people exchanged things, you never know how many people touched it or even where its been. Therefore, people got diseses from that and got diseases from many other things too. 
So far in 7th grade, I have had a lot of fun, great moments. When I first came to 7th grade, I thought it was gonna be a nightmare but it wasn't. Today I will tell you about some of my favorite and memorable moments here at my school. The first one is the dances. I've  been to most of the dances and the first one was the best to me. When I went to the dance, there were lots of people. Before, I had asked my friends to go with me but they said that the dances were dumb and they had better things to do so I asked my other friends. They went with me, but it was just the four of us. I remember when I was too shy to dance but by the end of the dance we were going crazy. My other friends who said no before, now go to every single dance.

Another memorable moment was reconnecting with my best friend from preschool. She had to move schools in after preschool, so I could no longer be her best friend. When I was at Computech, we had most of our classes together and I sort of recognized her name when the teachers took role. One day in science class, I asked her if she ever went to my old school. Once I asked that, she kind of started to remember me. After 6 years, we still remember each other and now we talk almost everyday in our classes.
Why do you think the Mayan Civilization fall? The Mayan Civilization is a Mesoamerican civilization. This civilization made lots of temples that looked like steps. These temples were mostly for religious events, such as human sacrifices. This civilization soon collapsed and no one knows why. 

I think the reason the Mayan Civilization fell is because of war. I think this because when they were at war a lot, lots of people got killed. Once more and more people got killed, then there weren't very many people to help out with the Mayan Civilization. Since they didn't have many people, the empire started to fall. Some other civilizations could have taken over.
I am a hunter-gatherer in North America. All of my life I have been moving south, following herds of animals. This year I have found a place where the climate is warmer and there are more kinds of plants to eat. My group of hunter gatherers wants to stay here but some want to go. Should I choose to stay or go?

I am going to choose to stay and make a permanent home because if there is more kinds of plants to eat, then that means I would have more food and I won't have to hunt for all of my food. Also, it is warmer climates, so in the night it might not be freezing cold, maybe just a little chilly. I get really cold when I am sleeping and don't like it so I think this would be good for me. I think that I have made the right decision because this place seems pretty good to stay and make a permanent house. There are many resources all around me and I think that if we keep moving south we won't find any place better than this one.
Do you know about Martin Luther's 95 theses ? Well, I'm going to do the same thing with only five. The first one is that our teachers all give us too much homework for each class. All of that homework piles up until it gets to a big stack. Most of the time we are staying up late trying to do our homework. Another thing is that some teachers don't explain things right or they don't even tell us the homework and then they expect us to know that we had homework. Some teachers do not have their websites updated for us to find the homework pages on.
     Another one is that school should start later because school starts at 8:00 so we have to get up at six, get ready, then catch the bus at 7:00. I know that we do not like waking up too early and plus we wouldn't be so tired and we would stay awake during class time. Something else is that our bus has too many kids. Some kids sit on the floor and no one ever calls for a second bus. There was only one time that someone called a second bus and this was just recently. The last one is dress code. I do not think we should have dress code. The reason is because no one wants to wear uniform. Having to wear uniform takes away our chances and wearing our new clothes to school. we can't even wear like pink socks. I know that it would be safer to have uniforms because we would recognize anyone who isn't wearing dress code but I've seen high schoolers on campus but no one has
What are you looking forward to during spring break ? The thing that I am looking forward to is sleeping in. I like to sleep in a lot. I love sleeping. I'm pretty sure everyone does! Whenever I wake up in the morning, I am so tired and I never want to go to school. I am also looking forward to no homework or school. I do not like homework at all! I don't think anyone does. The reason I do not like homework is because its boring, it takes up too much of your time, and we get homework for EVERY class so it all piles up and then you end up staying up all night trying to finish.

Another thing i am looking forward to is shopping for new clothes especially for spring. I love getting new clothes because it is fun to shop and look at the cute ones. I am also going to get new pairs of shoes. This is what I 
     As I am walking through the woods, I hear drums and singing. I wonder if I had found another survivor. Then I think what if I am just hearing things. Then, I hear it again. I keep walking towards the sound and come to an old, torn up church. I see an old big man. He walks out and asks me for bread. As I am starving, I say yes. He looks at me and grabs me. He holds me really tight. It hurts me really bad. I say "Stop! I just wanted some bread!" He shouts out "Bread is never free, boy!"
     At this point, I am scared for my life. I do not know what he will do with me. He starts asking me questions. Where is your father? "He's dead, sir." Your mother? also dead, sir. Right after he heard this, he put me down. He asks Where did you come from and where are you going? I came from my home to travel to a town. "You ran away from home? You know the rule is if someone runs away from home the next man to find him gets to keep him. I am scared. Will I now be his slave? 
     My New Years resolution is to try to get better grades because I want to get all A's this quarter. I think that what I need to do to achieve this resolution is to stay focused and that I have to do all my homework. I also will need to study for tests because I didn't really study last quarter. I think that getting straight A's this quarter will be a little easy because you can do lots of things if you set your mind to it.
    The reason I want to get good grades is because in the future, I want to get a good job that I will like working at. I would also like to earn lots of money because life is so much more fun when you have a lot of money and you don't have to worry about not being able to pay your house bills. You can just go out and do something most of the time. This is what I will 
Do you like Winter break ? I know I do ! If you do, then what do you look forward to during Winter break ? One thing I look forward to is sleeping in. I LOVE sleeping in. The reason I like sleeping in is because I get to be comfortable in bed and not all tired and sleepy when I come to school.
    Another thing that I look forward to is NO homework! I really do not like doing homework. I don't think very many people like doing homework either. Homework is not fun to do especially when you already get about 7 hours of school. Why do we need to waste our whole afternoon doing this when we could be active an playing outside. I think that homework isn't really necessary, but if we had to get homework, then just a little bit because we do have 8 classes which is a lot ! When we have 8 classes, everything piles up and it gets kind of hard to keep up with it because some homework takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes to do. This is what I look foorward to during Winter break.