I am a hunter-gatherer in North America. All of my life I have been moving south, following herds of animals. This year I have found a place where the climate is warmer and there are more kinds of plants to eat. My group of hunter gatherers wants to stay here but some want to go. Should I choose to stay or go?

I am going to choose to stay and make a permanent home because if there is more kinds of plants to eat, then that means I would have more food and I won't have to hunt for all of my food. Also, it is warmer climates, so in the night it might not be freezing cold, maybe just a little chilly. I get really cold when I am sleeping and don't like it so I think this would be good for me. I think that I have made the right decision because this place seems pretty good to stay and make a permanent house. There are many resources all around me and I think that if we keep moving south we won't find any place better than this one.
Do you know about Martin Luther's 95 theses ? Well, I'm going to do the same thing with only five. The first one is that our teachers all give us too much homework for each class. All of that homework piles up until it gets to a big stack. Most of the time we are staying up late trying to do our homework. Another thing is that some teachers don't explain things right or they don't even tell us the homework and then they expect us to know that we had homework. Some teachers do not have their websites updated for us to find the homework pages on.
     Another one is that school should start later because school starts at 8:00 so we have to get up at six, get ready, then catch the bus at 7:00. I know that we do not like waking up too early and plus we wouldn't be so tired and we would stay awake during class time. Something else is that our bus has too many kids. Some kids sit on the floor and no one ever calls for a second bus. There was only one time that someone called a second bus and this was just recently. The last one is dress code. I do not think we should have dress code. The reason is because no one wants to wear uniform. Having to wear uniform takes away our chances and wearing our new clothes to school. we can't even wear like pink socks. I know that it would be safer to have uniforms because we would recognize anyone who isn't wearing dress code but I've seen high schoolers on campus but no one has