I am a hunter-gatherer in North America. All of my life I have been moving south, following herds of animals. This year I have found a place where the climate is warmer and there are more kinds of plants to eat. My group of hunter gatherers wants to stay here but some want to go. Should I choose to stay or go?

I am going to choose to stay and make a permanent home because if there is more kinds of plants to eat, then that means I would have more food and I won't have to hunt for all of my food. Also, it is warmer climates, so in the night it might not be freezing cold, maybe just a little chilly. I get really cold when I am sleeping and don't like it so I think this would be good for me. I think that I have made the right decision because this place seems pretty good to stay and make a permanent house. There are many resources all around me and I think that if we keep moving south we won't find any place better than this one.

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