Have you ever had computer class? Computer class has helped me with my typing in other school documents because I do not need to look at the keyboard as much and I type much faster than I did when I first got here. It has helped me at home for creating documents for my family or invitations. 

One thing that I learned in computer class that I know I will use in the future is Ctrl+F which makes a little search box come up and it takes you to every word that your typed in the box so you can find what you need easy. Another thing that I learned was respect on the internet. I learned that you can't be mean or rude to peopl over the internet becauae 
Today in science class, we dissected a squid. This dissection was cool and it was one that I wasn't afraid to touch with my bare hands. I was scared to touch the frog even with gloves on. For the squid dissection, we had to get our squids out of the sink and onto our paper plates. It turns out that our teacher had way too many squids, so she asked us if we wanted to dissect two thn we can. My partner and I decided to only dissect on. After that, we gave it to our teacher and she fried it and then my partner bit and said it wasn't good so I didn't eat it.
In science, we have to dissect a frog but before that we have to virtually dissect a frog so since the program that we need to virtually dissect the frog is only in one science teachers room, we had to switch rooms for 2 days. The room that we normally have is very small but the other science teachers is huge so that is why he has the mac computers. 

The program was called Frog Guts and it took us step by step in dissecting the frog. It was actually pretty cool but in real life I bet it would be disgusting. Some of the graphics were really gross and made me not want to dissect the frog but I think that it would be a good experience to try dissecting a frog so when the time comes, I will dissect it. It took us through the circulatory system, respiratory system, skeletal, and much more. At the was the skeletal , where we had to put the frog skeleton together.  Then, we were all done virtually disecting the forg.




Have you heard of the CST test? Well the CST test stands for California Standards Test. Every year, we take the CST test to show how much we have learned over the year. I believe that the 1st-7th graders take a english and a math test and the eighth graders take english, history, math, and science.
Yesterday in P.E, we played kickball. It was really fun. First of all, we went out to the field in front of the school and then our teacher told us to pick a partner and line up across from our partner. Right when she said I kind of thought my partner and I were going to get separated so I told her to pick a different partner so then she could come on my side and be on my team but she didn't really know what I was saying. 

After, my teacher told the left side to go out to the field and the right side was up to kick. Of course, no one wanted to kick the ball since they still had to. My teacher made it boy, girl so we had to kick in that order. It was really fun.




Last thursday I went with my friend to the movies and we went to watch 42, the Jackie Robinson movie. Overall, the movie was really good. It was so good that me and my friend almost cried. The movie was about Jackie Robinson and him being treated poorly because of his race. In the movie, the other people did not want to play with him. They even started a petition about how they do not want to play with him. The guy who started the petition got drafted to Pittsburg and he did not want to. Jackie Robinson also got married and had a kid. I really liked the movie and I would watch it again. 
On Easter, my aunt and I went to Church first. After we went to church, we went to go get some Starbucks. Then after, we went to the store to go get some candy for my cousin. After we left the store, it was time to go, so we went to the party and my tia's house. Every year, we go there, Christmas and Easter. Once we got there, there wasn't that much people since the party started at 2:00 and it was only 2:30. We greeted everyone that was there and then we just went with our cousins. 

Some of my little cousins asked me to spin them on this merry go round thing. So my other cousins and I spinned them really fast and they were really excited. After we did that, it was time for the easter egg hunt. I didn't want to hunt for eggs so I hid them and then helped my little cousin find them. She got so many just by herself. And turns out she found the golden egg with $97 in it. She also found that on her own. After that, we cracked our confetti eggs on each other and my hair got all messy. But it was fun. And then after all of tht, my aunts brought out lots of treat.
   For the next three weeks, we do not have school Monday! I am happy but sad at the same time because then we won't have Late Start on Thursdays. On the Monday that we have off this upcoming weekend, I am going to go to the mall with my friends. I will be going to the mall with Maria, Dariana, Yesenia, and Erynn. 
     We are going to go to Fashion Fair. The reason we are going to the mall is because we do not want to stay home for the Monday that we have off. ON the weekend, I will go to my moms. This is what will happen on my weekend. 

     In class, we did an activity on the computer called Ribbon Hero. Ribbon Hero is a fun game where it challenges you to use your thinking and computer skills. My experience with Ribbon Hero was very challenging but fun. We are comparing which helped us learn better Microsoft tutorials or Ribbon Hero. 
     Which one helped you learn more material? The one that I think helped me learn more material was Ribbon Hero because instead of watching and listening, we actually had to think about it so that we can move on. Which one helped you remember the information longer? I think that Ribbon Hero helped me remember the information longer because it got stuck in my brain because I had to do it and remember how to do the material. Which one better transferred the learning to using Office without tutorials? The one that I think better did this was Ribbon Hero because it made it into a fun game that I actually wanted to play. 
How does my class compare to the article that we just read on Mr. Kimbley's website ? Well in the article, there was a Japanese kid. They were in a class learning how to draw a cube on paper. This Japanese kid, Jim Stigler, couldn't really draw one. His cube looked all cockeyed and crooked. So the teacher called him up to draw it on the board even though his was so bad. He kept trying and trying, but he still couldn't get it quite right. At the end of class, he finally finished it and his teacher asked "Did he do it right?" and he did. Everyone started bursting in applause. Stigler sat right down on his seat with a big smile.
       This compares and contrasts very much with my class. The reason it compares is because my class tries to work hard to get good grades and make my teacher proud. We try to work really hard and we make really good effort. The way it contrasts is because sometimes my class just gives up and asks the teacher for help without even trying. This is how it compares to my class.