


What do you think was the most important achievement the Japanese  borrowed from China ? Today I am going to tell you which two I think are the most important. The Japanese borrowed lots of things from China and Korea but the one I think is most important is language. I think language is most important because they use language to speak to each other.
As I pull weeds from a wheat field, I hear the sound of something like thunder. I look up and see hundreds-no, thousands-of armed horsemen riding straight at me. I am frozen with fear. The only thing that fills my mind is the dreaded Mongols are coming. What should I do to keep myself safe or save myself ?
        I hear the deafening sound of horses galloping. I try to run to my house but they are still there. I hear a horrible cry. I look to see who had screamed such a sound. I look around the corner to find my brother being killed. His last words were 'Run! The Mongols are here.' I think about running to him but as I think, I know I will get killed also. So I run back to my house to find not a soul there. I say my last words and run out to the Mongols.
     Do you know about the Chinese achievements ? The Chinese had many many achievements but I am only going to talk about the two that I think are most important. The first one is paper money. Without paper money the Chinese wouldn't really have anything to pay with. I think paper money is important because then we wouldn't have anything to pay with and we would probably be wearing belts with coin on them.
    The second achievement that I think is most important is china ( plates and cups ).   




    Do you know who the Griots were ? The griots job was to tell storeys. The griots were storytellers. In West Africa, there were people who had to pay close attention to important people like the king or the sultan. You might think that a griots job is easy but it is actually really diificult. They have to pay close attention to the what the important people did, like where they stopped or just in general what they did to become a hero. 
    The griots were hardworking people and his/her job is super difficult. 
      Thanksgiving is not just about eating. It is also about giving thanks for what you have. Today I am going to tell you about 3 three things that I am grateful and thankful for. 
     First, I am thankful for my family. I have a wonderful famiy that loves and cares for me. I could not have asked for better parents. My mom and dad are split up but they are still the best. My parents buy me things when I get good grades. I love how my family always encourages me to get good grades because I know not every kids parents do that. 
     Second, I am thankful for the roof on my head. A lot of people today are homeless and on the street. I am very very grateful to be living in a house and I owe it all to my hardworking dad. 
    The third thing I am thankful for is the food that I get to eat everyday. Lots of people do not get to eat everyday like I do. Sometimes I take my food for granted and just throw it away but I know that there are hungry people out there. What are you thankful for ?




    Do you like the season fall ? I really like the season fall and I will tell you why. One reason I like fall is because of the nice weather. I love how fall is so fresh. Its not to hot and not to cold. I love it alot ! I like fall because every time the leaves fall down we rake them up and jump into them. I do not like to do that now because I know there are bugs on the leaves. I also like fall because of the Fair. I love to ride all the rides there. They are not that scary but they are still fun. 
   Another reason I like fall is because of halloween. Now, halloween was yesterday. It was so much fun. I dressed up as a dead girl. I had blood on my shirt and I painted my face. I even had a torn up teddy bear. I got lots of candy from trick or treating! I was really happy about that. These are some things that I like to do in the fall and what I like about it.
    Have you ever wondered how iron affected Africa ? Well, I've been wondering that too and I finally found out. The West Africans had lots of salt! They kept their salt mines a secret to gold traders. Of course you know that they traded gold for salt and salt for gold. West Africa changed very much after the discovery of iron. Lets talk a little more about it. 
    Because of the iron discovery, people moved different places to see if they could discover some iron.




      Have you ever wondered how trade helped spread the religion of Islam? Well let me start off with this, the religion of Islam started out very small but spread to other countries. Islam started when Muhammad recieved a message from God, when the angel Gabriel told him to believe there was only one God.  So what is the reason? How did it help? Trade helped with the spread of Islam because when people who went in to trade, seen the religion of Islam and told others about it. Trade helped a lot with the spread of Islam.
    Do you know what the five pillars of Islam are? If you don't then you might want to keep on reading. The five pillars of Islam are the rules or guidelines for being a good muslim. The pillers are statement of faith, daily prayer, yearly donation to charity, fasting, and hajj.
    The first pillar is the statement of faith. This means that once in your lives you have to state your faith by saying "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet. You also have to say in your daily prayers.
     The second pillar is daily prayer. You have to pray five time a day. Sometimes you might pray together at a mosque. This is proof that someone has accepted Allah.
     The third pillar is yearly donation to charity. You have to pay part of your wealth to help the poor, pay debts, and bulid mosques. This is very important in Islam.
     The fourth pillar is fasting. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims show their devotion to god by fasting.
     The fifth pillar is the hajj.




        Have you ever wondered about what kind of person Muhammad was and why people were so interested in what he had to say? If you have, then keep on reading. Muhammad was the creator of the Islamic religion. He spread teachings to lots of people. He told people to believe in one god. That system is called monotheism. Most Arabs were upset with him telling them that and they planned to kill him. The system of believing in many gods is called polytheism. Most people didn't believe that Jesus was God's son but they did believe his many adventures.