Yesterday, all the 7th graders took a trip to the zoo to see our animal that we did research on. I did not find out anything new about my animal, unfortunately, the zoo didn't have a lot of information about my bird. I did think of the bird in a different way. I seen that the bird would only stay in the sandy part of the bird house thing. I also only saw one Crocodile Bird, or Egyptian Plover. This made me think that the zoo wasn't able to get more than one.
Do you know why the sky is blue? The reason the sky is blue is because of scattering. Short wavelengths scatter more and longer wavelengths don't scatter as much. I think you could guess that blue is a short wavelength. If blue had a longer wavelength, then the sky wouldn't be as blue. 

Some people might think that it is the ocean that makes the sky blue. They think this because since the ocean is blue, then it might reflect on the sky.
Do you know why the sky is blue? I think that the sky is blue because it absorbs all the colors except for the blue one and it reflects the blue one and the reflection goes back into your eyes. The colors that it absorbs are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.The way I remember that those are the colors is by a name, sort of like a boys name: Roy G. Biv. That is how I remember the colors. When the all of the other colors get absorbed into the sky, the blue one reflects it and comes back to meet your eyes. 
Do you know why temperate climate fossils are found in Antarctica ? Well, if you don't then keep on reading because I will tell you why they can be found in Antarctica. One reason is of continental drift. Continental drift is when plate tectonics move. The continental drift moved Antarctica away from other continents. 

Antarctica was close by all the other parts of the continents until the continental drift moved it away. Before the Antarctica was moved, other animals had lived there and died there. They became fossilized and then continental drift hit and separated Antarctica
The quizlets that we make at the beginning of each unit are helpful for me because it helps me learn the words. I use them to study sometimes and sometimes I don't. They help me because they have an option where you can have the word on one side and the definition on the other so that is a good thing. 
     The thing I don't like about quizlet is that it is boring so I don't get entertained and sometimes I just end up not doing it. One thing I like about it is that it has an auto-define feature. The auto-define feature is a tool where you can choose from definitions and it enters it in for you. I think this helps me get it done faster because I do not have to type and I do not like typing. Therefore, I don't think that we should use something else because this website is very helpful.
In Science class, we made a Paper Pet Family to represent what kind of offspring parents could have. The family had traits such as nose, teeth, ans eye shape. We also had to determine our kids colors and its gender. I had 3 boys and 3 girls. we figured out our genotypes by flipping a penny over. My genotype for nose was TT (triangle), for eyes was Rr (round), and my teeth were pp (square).
     From this project I learned what genotypes and phenotypes were. Before we did this project, I had no idea what genotypes and phenotypes were. This project helped me learn what types of Offspring parents can have. This lesson also helped me learn how to do punnett squares.
     Do you know what a Punnett square is? Do you know how to use them? A punnett square is used to tell what possible genotypes the parents offspring will be. For example, if you have a mom whose genotype is Tt and a dad whose genotype is tt then the possible genotypes or outcomes could have been Tt or tt. Your parents would have a 50% chance to have a heterozygous (Tt) and a 50% chance to have a homozygous recessive (tt). 
     Another example is if you have a mom with brown hair whose genotype is Bb and a dad with brown hair whose genotype is Bb, then the possible genotypes for the offspring would be BB, Bb, and bb. You would have the ratio 1:2:1 and you would also have a 75% chance for an offspring with brown hair and a 25% chance for 

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Do you know how to make DNA out of beads? If you don't and want to learn how then keep on reading. First, what you need is your supplies. You can use which ever color beads you want. You will need about 6 different colors of beads. You will also need some very thin wire. Once you get these supplies, then you should organize the colors. If you want, you can put some type of cloth to keep them from rolling away. Once you have done this, go ahead and start putting the beads on the string, it doesn't matter which colors you put together. When you are finished, twist it up & then you have your little DNA jewelry. 

One thing that I remember most is when we extracted DNA from strawberries. First, we took a plastic bag and put the strawberries in it with a little water. Then we smushed it up. After we smushed it up, we put some really cold rubbing alcohol carefully on top of the strawberries. Then we could see the DNA. I think this project was memorable because it was fun doing all of these steps. My favorite part was taking out the DNA from the beaker.

    Another memorable thing was building our own DNA structure. We had some kind of legos & some connects. We had to follow the instructions in our books to make it. There were specific combination and we also had to put them on a rod to make them stand up and to have its 'twisted ladder' shape. The last memory was when we made 
     Yesterday, we had to read an article about Santa Claus and his reindeer. Then we had to read another article about why the other article was wrong. Do you think Santa Claus is real ? When you were little, did  your parents tell you he was real ? Here is what I think. I think that Santa Claus is not real. You might ask why ? Well, I think Santa is not real because I actually never received anything from "Santa" even though my parents said he was real. So now for a reasonable explanation on why I think this.
     The reason I think Santa Claus is not real is because how can reindeers be able to fly ? I really do not think that they can fly, and that Santa does not live in the North Pole. How can Santa really deliver all those toys out to all of the people in the world ? Some people might disagree with me and say, but Santa doesn't deliver to Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist, so it reduces the work load. The other article we had to read was about how this article about Santa was wrong. This is what I think.