As I am walking through the woods, I hear drums and singing. I wonder if I had found another survivor. Then I think what if I am just hearing things. Then, I hear it again. I keep walking towards the sound and come to an old, torn up church. I see an old big man. He walks out and asks me for bread. As I am starving, I say yes. He looks at me and grabs me. He holds me really tight. It hurts me really bad. I say "Stop! I just wanted some bread!" He shouts out "Bread is never free, boy!"
     At this point, I am scared for my life. I do not know what he will do with me. He starts asking me questions. Where is your father? "He's dead, sir." Your mother? also dead, sir. Right after he heard this, he put me down. He asks Where did you come from and where are you going? I came from my home to travel to a town. "You ran away from home? You know the rule is if someone runs away from home the next man to find him gets to keep him. I am scared. Will I now be his slave? 

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