


      Have you ever wondered how trade helped spread the religion of Islam? Well let me start off with this, the religion of Islam started out very small but spread to other countries. Islam started when Muhammad recieved a message from God, when the angel Gabriel told him to believe there was only one God.  So what is the reason? How did it help? Trade helped with the spread of Islam because when people who went in to trade, seen the religion of Islam and told others about it. Trade helped a lot with the spread of Islam.
    Do you know what the five pillars of Islam are? If you don't then you might want to keep on reading. The five pillars of Islam are the rules or guidelines for being a good muslim. The pillers are statement of faith, daily prayer, yearly donation to charity, fasting, and hajj.
    The first pillar is the statement of faith. This means that once in your lives you have to state your faith by saying "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet. You also have to say in your daily prayers.
     The second pillar is daily prayer. You have to pray five time a day. Sometimes you might pray together at a mosque. This is proof that someone has accepted Allah.
     The third pillar is yearly donation to charity. You have to pay part of your wealth to help the poor, pay debts, and bulid mosques. This is very important in Islam.
     The fourth pillar is fasting. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims show their devotion to god by fasting.
     The fifth pillar is the hajj.




        Have you ever wondered about what kind of person Muhammad was and why people were so interested in what he had to say? If you have, then keep on reading. Muhammad was the creator of the Islamic religion. He spread teachings to lots of people. He told people to believe in one god. That system is called monotheism. Most Arabs were upset with him telling them that and they planned to kill him. The system of believing in many gods is called polytheism. Most people didn't believe that Jesus was God's son but they did believe his many adventures.

     So my uncle asked me if I want to join his caravan. I need to think about this. I mean I really don't like that my town is a crossroad for traders and herders. What should I choose? I've lived there my whole life but I dread the freedom of the travelers. My uncle said that I was old enough to go and join his caravan but should I? I spend lots of time thinking about this big situation in my life. As I think, I come across to a decision. When my uncle comes into town with his crew I tell him no and that I don't want to go. I feel that my uncle is upset because he wanted to tell and show me things that he thinks I will like. I had many reasons to say no. These are my reasons: I know my family needs my help around the house, I would miss my family very very much even though I will probably visit them only about once or twice a year. A lot more reasons will come to mind as I think about my uncle and his caravan. Three or four months later my family needs my help to work around the house. Our house almost got knocked down. My uncle still hasn't came to visit. I think I made a good decision because if I wasn't here right now my family would not be able to do this by themselves.
        Two months later my uncle comes and says "Wow, I love what you have done with the place!" He doesn't even know what has happened. I tell him what has happened and that I think I have made the right decision. He says I have been hardworking and knows what I'm going through. He gives me $10 and gives me a hug. He says that he thinks that I made the right decision to.    

       In our history simulation at school, I was part of the Province of Illyricum. Our goods that we traded for soldiers were honey and grapes. If I had to choose another part to play I would've wanted to be a barbarian or Roman. I would want to be a Roman because they got to walk around and control mostly everything. I would want to be a barbarian because they actually got to take over. Therefore, I would rather be a roman or a barbarian.
             The book that I am reading right now is The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is one book in the series of 3. The series in order is The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and The Mockingjay. The Hunger Games is basically about 24 tributes who fight to the death. There are 12 districts and each chooses 2 tributes, a boy and a girl randomly. The main characters are Gale, Primrose, the mother and the tributes Katniss and Peeta  .  When they were at the reaping, Primrose Everdeen got called but she was only 12 so Katniss , her older sister, volunteered for her. At first, only one could win, but then the judges decided that two people could win. SPOILER ALERT: Peeta and Katniss both win and go back to their homes.