Have you heard about the Columbian Exchange? Today I will tell you the positive and negative effects of the Columbian Exchange. The positive effects were that they got plants, animals, and ideas. During the exchange, people traded plants and animals to get other things. Some people got ideas to try out new things when they got unusual stuff from the exchange or they seen someone else exchanging for it. 

The negative effects were diseases. When people exchanged things, you never know how many people touched it or even where its been. Therefore, people got diseses from that and got diseases from many other things too. 
So far in 7th grade, I have had a lot of fun, great moments. When I first came to 7th grade, I thought it was gonna be a nightmare but it wasn't. Today I will tell you about some of my favorite and memorable moments here at my school. The first one is the dances. I've  been to most of the dances and the first one was the best to me. When I went to the dance, there were lots of people. Before, I had asked my friends to go with me but they said that the dances were dumb and they had better things to do so I asked my other friends. They went with me, but it was just the four of us. I remember when I was too shy to dance but by the end of the dance we were going crazy. My other friends who said no before, now go to every single dance.

Another memorable moment was reconnecting with my best friend from preschool. She had to move schools in after preschool, so I could no longer be her best friend. When I was at Computech, we had most of our classes together and I sort of recognized her name when the teachers took role. One day in science class, I asked her if she ever went to my old school. Once I asked that, she kind of started to remember me. After 6 years, we still remember each other and now we talk almost everyday in our classes.
Why do you think the Mayan Civilization fall? The Mayan Civilization is a Mesoamerican civilization. This civilization made lots of temples that looked like steps. These temples were mostly for religious events, such as human sacrifices. This civilization soon collapsed and no one knows why. 

I think the reason the Mayan Civilization fell is because of war. I think this because when they were at war a lot, lots of people got killed. Once more and more people got killed, then there weren't very many people to help out with the Mayan Civilization. Since they didn't have many people, the empire started to fall. Some other civilizations could have taken over.