Do you like Winter break ? I know I do ! If you do, then what do you look forward to during Winter break ? One thing I look forward to is sleeping in. I LOVE sleeping in. The reason I like sleeping in is because I get to be comfortable in bed and not all tired and sleepy when I come to school.
    Another thing that I look forward to is NO homework! I really do not like doing homework. I don't think very many people like doing homework either. Homework is not fun to do especially when you already get about 7 hours of school. Why do we need to waste our whole afternoon doing this when we could be active an playing outside. I think that homework isn't really necessary, but if we had to get homework, then just a little bit because we do have 8 classes which is a lot ! When we have 8 classes, everything piles up and it gets kind of hard to keep up with it because some homework takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes to do. This is what I look foorward to during Winter break.

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