Have you ever written about math? If you have, how has it helped you? Writing about math helped me because it makes me think more about what we are doing. If we are writing about exponents, I can't just say 4x4x4, I have to explain how to do it and how to read exponents.

Writing about math everyday has also helped me with memorizing how to do different kinds of math techniques because if we are blogging about something, I say a technique that I like to use and that is easy for me. It has also helped me with my typing skills because we have to type about 2 or 3 paragraphs in a short amount of time. It has also helped me with my writing skills, like a space after commas or periods, and things like that. This is what typing about math everyday has helped me learn this year.
Do you have any math skills that were challenging to learn? I have one. A skill that I struggled to learn was tax, sale, sales tax, markups, and things like that. I think it was hard for me because there were some steps that I forgot to do. We did a little bit of problems like these in 6th grade but I didn't remember what to do. The thing that helped learn how to do it was by trying it again to get my math grade up because that would make my math grade go down when I got it wrong.

Whenever I would hand in a sheet, I would get about 4 right and 6 wrong. I tried to do the wrong one like how I did the right ones but I still got them wrong. I kept trying to learn it and I eventually did by doing good on my homework assignments. That is how I learned a challenging thing.
Do you know what negative numbers are?  Have you ever found them in real life? Negative numbers are kind of like you owe something or thats how much you have gone or taken away from you. You can find them in real life like if you owe money to a store or something like that. For example, when you pay bills, you owe the company the money that you pay. Sometimes, you might have negative number in your bank account if you have no more money and have gone over, then thats how much you owe the bank. 

Do you know how to solve 2x-7=15? Well, if you don't then keep on reading because I will show you how to solve this equation step-by-step. This problem is actually super easy! First off, I like to draw a straight line through the equal sign, just to separate the sides and plus it is much easier to solve that way. So now you would have 2x-7|=15. Next, you would have to cancel out the seven and and do the opposite of the equation. Since the equation says -7, then we are going to do +7 and that will cancel out our seven so now all we have left is 2x=15. 

Now you want to do the same thing that we did to the other side which was +7 to 15. Then, you want to add them together and 15+7=22. Now you have 2x=22. Then, you will have to do the opposite of the problem again which is dividing. You will have to divide 22 by 2. Then, if you divided correctly, your answer should be 11.

Do you know how to convert fractions to decimals ? If you don't, then keep on reading because I will tell you a way to convert fractions into decimals and I will also tell you which way is easier for me to use. The first way is dividing. This method is very simple. All you have to do is divide. You have to divide the numerator by the denominator and then you would get your answer. You can round if you need to. 

Imagine if you had 1/2, all you need to do is divide that. You have to divide the numerator by the denominator so you would do 2 divided by 1. Once you do that, your answer would be 2, but if you need to have a decimal then just round it to the nearest tenth, hundredth, thousandth and so on. If you don't like dividing there are many other ways to convert it. I like to use this method because dividing id  

     Do you know what the Pythagorean Theorem is ? If you don't know then keep on reading. The Pythagorean Theorem is a to the 2nd + b to the 2nd = c to the 2nd. For example, if you had a triangle and you know 2 sides of the triangle, you know that c is always the biggest number. So if you had two sides of the triangle, a and b, you would multiply them by themselves and then add to figure out what c is. It doesn't matter what number is a or b but it does matter for c. C always has to be the longest side. 
     Have you ever seen exponents before? If so, when ? What do you know about exponents? I know that exponents mean to multiply. So if you had 5 to the 2nd power, you would do 5 x 5  which equals 25. Lots of people misunderstand and they would multiply 5 x 2 and get ten. That's how you would get it wrong. Exponents means to multiply the number times itself how many times it says. If it was 2 with a little 6 by it, you would multiply 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2. Not just 2 x 6.
    You would multiply 2 x 2 and get 4 and drop all the other twos.
4 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2.
      Have you ever wondered why a square root is called 'square root' ? Do you know what a square root is ? If you don't, then keep on reading to learn an answer. A square root is if you divide by something and get the answer that you divided with. For example, if I had the number 64. Obviously, I can multiply 32 x 2 but those numbers aren't the same. The number it could be is 8 because 8 x 8 = 64. Lets try another one. If I had the number 49, the answer would be seven because 7 x 7 = 49. There are man different square roots. Here is just a list of some : 
1 x 1 = 1
2 x 2 = 4 
3 x 3 = 9 
4 x 4 = 16
5 x 5 = 25
These are just some but there are many! This is what square roots are.
       Do you know how 5^-2 equals 1/25 ? If you don't you should probably keep on reading. I am going to tell you how to solve a negative exponent. So how does 5^-2 equal 1/25 ? Lets find out. 
                 First write out the problem 
 Since this problem has a negative we have to make it into a fraction.  You do the reciprocal of 5 which is 1/5 with positive 2 as the exponent as the five.
                      Then, you solve.
                   which equals 1/25
 This is how you solve exponent integers.
 This is a picture of a game I completed for math. Even though the topics, decimals, integers, and fractions all seem easy, you really had to think about what you were doing. On mine fortunatly was easy as you ca see because almost everything equaled 0/12. But on my other ones like fractions and decimals, It was more harder. 
   This game has helped me reflect on my skills. It helped me with my integers because I used to get so confused about negatives and positives, but now I don't struggle with it.