Thanksgiving is not just about eating. It is also about giving thanks for what you have. Today I am going to tell you about 3 three things that I am grateful and thankful for. 
     First, I am thankful for my family. I have a wonderful famiy that loves and cares for me. I could not have asked for better parents. My mom and dad are split up but they are still the best. My parents buy me things when I get good grades. I love how my family always encourages me to get good grades because I know not every kids parents do that. 
     Second, I am thankful for the roof on my head. A lot of people today are homeless and on the street. I am very very grateful to be living in a house and I owe it all to my hardworking dad. 
    The third thing I am thankful for is the food that I get to eat everyday. Lots of people do not get to eat everyday like I do. Sometimes I take my food for granted and just throw it away but I know that there are hungry people out there. What are you thankful for ?
11/16/2012 06:37:27 am

You are a really thankful child and you did a really good story.

11/16/2012 06:38:50 am

I really like this blog post. It shows exactly what you are thankful for and why. I just think that th paragraphs should be just about one or two sentences longer.


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