Do you know what the five pillars of Islam are? If you don't then you might want to keep on reading. The five pillars of Islam are the rules or guidelines for being a good muslim. The pillers are statement of faith, daily prayer, yearly donation to charity, fasting, and hajj.
    The first pillar is the statement of faith. This means that once in your lives you have to state your faith by saying "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet. You also have to say in your daily prayers.
     The second pillar is daily prayer. You have to pray five time a day. Sometimes you might pray together at a mosque. This is proof that someone has accepted Allah.
     The third pillar is yearly donation to charity. You have to pay part of your wealth to help the poor, pay debts, and bulid mosques. This is very important in Islam.
     The fourth pillar is fasting. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims show their devotion to god by fasting.
     The fifth pillar is the hajj.

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