Today in science class, we dissected a squid. This dissection was cool and it was one that I wasn't afraid to touch with my bare hands. I was scared to touch the frog even with gloves on. For the squid dissection, we had to get our squids out of the sink and onto our paper plates. It turns out that our teacher had way too many squids, so she asked us if we wanted to dissect two thn we can. My partner and I decided to only dissect on. After that, we gave it to our teacher and she fried it and then my partner bit and said it wasn't good so I didn't eat it.
In science, we have to dissect a frog but before that we have to virtually dissect a frog so since the program that we need to virtually dissect the frog is only in one science teachers room, we had to switch rooms for 2 days. The room that we normally have is very small but the other science teachers is huge so that is why he has the mac computers. 

The program was called Frog Guts and it took us step by step in dissecting the frog. It was actually pretty cool but in real life I bet it would be disgusting. Some of the graphics were really gross and made me not want to dissect the frog but I think that it would be a good experience to try dissecting a frog so when the time comes, I will dissect it. It took us through the circulatory system, respiratory system, skeletal, and much more. At the was the skeletal , where we had to put the frog skeleton together.  Then, we were all done virtually disecting the forg.




Have you heard of the CST test? Well the CST test stands for California Standards Test. Every year, we take the CST test to show how much we have learned over the year. I believe that the 1st-7th graders take a english and a math test and the eighth graders take english, history, math, and science.