How does my class compare to the article that we just read on Mr. Kimbley's website ? Well in the article, there was a Japanese kid. They were in a class learning how to draw a cube on paper. This Japanese kid, Jim Stigler, couldn't really draw one. His cube looked all cockeyed and crooked. So the teacher called him up to draw it on the board even though his was so bad. He kept trying and trying, but he still couldn't get it quite right. At the end of class, he finally finished it and his teacher asked "Did he do it right?" and he did. Everyone started bursting in applause. Stigler sat right down on his seat with a big smile.
       This compares and contrasts very much with my class. The reason it compares is because my class tries to work hard to get good grades and make my teacher proud. We try to work really hard and we make really good effort. The way it contrasts is because sometimes my class just gives up and asks the teacher for help without even trying. This is how it compares to my class.