On Easter, my aunt and I went to Church first. After we went to church, we went to go get some Starbucks. Then after, we went to the store to go get some candy for my cousin. After we left the store, it was time to go, so we went to the party and my tia's house. Every year, we go there, Christmas and Easter. Once we got there, there wasn't that much people since the party started at 2:00 and it was only 2:30. We greeted everyone that was there and then we just went with our cousins. 

Some of my little cousins asked me to spin them on this merry go round thing. So my other cousins and I spinned them really fast and they were really excited. After we did that, it was time for the easter egg hunt. I didn't want to hunt for eggs so I hid them and then helped my little cousin find them. She got so many just by herself. And turns out she found the golden egg with $97 in it. She also found that on her own. After that, we cracked our confetti eggs on each other and my hair got all messy. But it was fun. And then after all of tht, my aunts brought out lots of treat.

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