For this years halloween, I am going to be Little red riding hood. I  am going to tell you what I have been over the past years. When i was 5, I was a bumblebee. I think that costume was really cute. It had a little stinger on it. When I was 6, I was Cinderella. They did my hair curled in a bun just like Cinderella. I was very happy at that time. I had on a little crown and my dress was really poofy. I even had little tiny high heels. Of course, the plastic ones but they were still pretty cute. When I was 7, I was a witch. My dress was black with a blact hat. It wasn't the best costume now that I think about it. When I was 8, I was a spanish princess. I had a rose in my hair, high heels, lipstick on, and my hair was in a bun. I actually think that was a good costume. 
   When I was 9, I was a hippie. I had on pink boots, a pink headband, my hair straight, a tye dye shirt, and pink pants. When I was 10, I was a witch again. I had a purpley black hat wth a purpley black hat which also wasn't that good of a costume either but I got lots of candy that day. And finally last year, I was a cute bumblebee. It was a tube top dress with poofy toole on the bottom. These were some of my halloween costumes.
    In my gym class, we do lots of things and I am going to tell you about some of the things that we have done. We have played tennis, bad minton, and have done gymnastics. 
    For tennis, we learned how to hold a tennis racket properly and how to play. In bad minton, we played with a thing called a birdie. 
    Gymnastics is my favorite! Although its not so fun where we do them. We do them in the wrestling/ mat room. It really stinks in there. We also have to take off our shoes so it gets even more stinkier! It is also very fun though. We do cartwheels, tucks, pikes, and many more. We have groups, 3 is the lowest, 2 is not bad, and 1 is great. For 3 cartwheels in a row I got 1 ! I was so proud! For tucks I got a 2, and for pikes I got 2, also. I think that gymnastics will be my favorite unit!
    I can't believe its already the second quarter! My first quarter here at my school was both good and bad. Well my grades were not to good. I got A's and B's. i was really hoping for straight A's but I didn't get it. The rest of the quarter was super good. I didn't get knocked down by the "crazy" eighth graders. I actually learned that eighth graders aren't that mean. Eighth graders sometimes get mad when kids stare at them so they say " Why you staring " but really they are not mean. I had a really good first quarter now that I think about it.
          Have you ever wondered where you got your traits from? I'm going to tell you about my traits. Well I'm dark-skinned, have dark brown hair, and I sweat a lot! I know that I got the sweaty trait from my dad. He sweats a lot, and I mean a lot! My dad is dark-skinned and my mom is light skinned. Therefore my dark skin comes from my dad. I look more like my dad than my mom. My dad has thick eyebrows and my mom has thin eyebrows and I have thick eyebrows. My dad is tall, my mom is short and I'm short. I think I look more like my dad than my mom because I think my dad has stronger genes than my mom. I have one brother and he also looks more like my dad. Bushy eyebrows, dark skin, tall. Everything is just like my dad. 




    In art class, we do lots of different things and I will tell you some of the different things that we do and some things that we will do. We have done clay/wire figures. I did a girl painting. I thought that I did a good job. We made it with clay, wire, cardboard & paint. Another thing that we did was make a monogram with our initials. It was really cool. Another project that we are working on is drawing. We are working on shades & shadows, color, overlapping, and details, texture, and scale. Another thing that we will do is edible art. I think that this will be very fun. 
           I have lots of favorite foods! I'm going to tell you about all the different foods I like. Some fast fod things that I like are pizza, hamburgers, fries, and lots more. Some mexican foods that I like are tamales, seviche, tacos, enciladas, frijoles (beans), spanish rice, and many many more. I love food! I will admit I do NOT like to try things that look nasty, but I do anyways. One thing I like to eat by itself sometimes is imitation crab. Its so good! When I went to Ensenada, Mexico we tried a soup with lobster. It was very good! We also tried snails but I really didn't want to try that so I didn't. When I was little, I tried octopus and I don't really remember what it tastes like. I LOVE dessert! I will tell all the desserts I like! I like cake, Ice cream and MANY more!
     I have learned a lot from My Digital Life. Some things that I have learned are that I need to keep track of how much technology I used each and every day. From My Digital Life I learned that I spend about 3 hours a day on the internet! Wow thats a lot! Since then I've only gone on the internet 30 min - an 1 hour each day. My digital life is a good way to learn about technology use. Even though I have not finished yet finished all of the modules I have learned a ton of information on technology overuse, when to give out personal information, whats the right decision for a phone or computer, and lots more. My digital Life has helped me realize that I need to be more careful of what personal information I give out. It has taught me that I need to put a safe password which contains numbers, letters, punctuation, and symbols such as @, $, etc. I learned how to tell if a person has a problem with technology overuse. My digital life has really had an effect on my life.
    Over the years I have been to alot of places and I want to tell you guys about my trips. Some of the places I have went to are Disneyland and Universal Studios. Disneyland was very fun for me when I was little because they didn't have many scary rides. When I go to Disneyland now its still fun but a little more boring. Although I say Disneyland is boring I would never miss an opportunity to go! At Disneyland I like the ride Tower of Terror. That one is really fun. Next is Universal Studios . Universal Studios is very fun. My favorite ride their was The Simpsons one. You turn around, upside down and it's so fun. When you go in, there is a screen and it looks like marbles are coming at you and feels like marbles are rolling on your feet. One more place I am going to talk about is Yosemite. Yosemite is a beautiful place and I love going there. I've been there several times and its so fun! I've climbed up to Nevada Falls, Half Dome and others! These are some of the cool places I have been to. 
Do you know about 9/11? This year is the 11th anniversary of when it happened. Thats like my whole lifetime, meaning that I was probably a few months old or maybe even 1 year! 9/11 is a sad, memorable day. It made such an impact that older people know exactly where they were and maybe even the time or place they were standing! If you don't know about 9/11, I will tell you a little bit about it. First of all, 9/11 was 11 years ago, on the day September 11, 2001. Osama Bin Laden had his crew fly into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. It killed so many people and was so devastating. I don't exactly know why they did it but I know it was a terrorist attack. 9/11 is really something to care about.

         Here at my school we have a lot of activities, like every friday we have something different to look foward to. This past friday we had marshmallow drop. This is where you get to drop marshmallows into teachers mouth up high from a ladder. Although I didn't get to do it because I was to late, it looked like a lot of fun. My school has many many sports. Some are water polo, golf, volleyball, football, basketball, cross country, and more! We also have clubs like drama club, chess club, Young Writers club, and tons more! We also have homework lab in the library if you need somewhere quiet. Therefore, I really like to do after school activities!