In my gym class, we do lots of things and I am going to tell you about some of the things that we have done. We have played tennis, bad minton, and have done gymnastics. 
    For tennis, we learned how to hold a tennis racket properly and how to play. In bad minton, we played with a thing called a birdie. 
    Gymnastics is my favorite! Although its not so fun where we do them. We do them in the wrestling/ mat room. It really stinks in there. We also have to take off our shoes so it gets even more stinkier! It is also very fun though. We do cartwheels, tucks, pikes, and many more. We have groups, 3 is the lowest, 2 is not bad, and 1 is great. For 3 cartwheels in a row I got 1 ! I was so proud! For tucks I got a 2, and for pikes I got 2, also. I think that gymnastics will be my favorite unit!

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