I have lots of favorite foods! I'm going to tell you about all the different foods I like. Some fast fod things that I like are pizza, hamburgers, fries, and lots more. Some mexican foods that I like are tamales, seviche, tacos, enciladas, frijoles (beans), spanish rice, and many many more. I love food! I will admit I do NOT like to try things that look nasty, but I do anyways. One thing I like to eat by itself sometimes is imitation crab. Its so good! When I went to Ensenada, Mexico we tried a soup with lobster. It was very good! We also tried snails but I really didn't want to try that so I didn't. When I was little, I tried octopus and I don't really remember what it tastes like. I LOVE dessert! I will tell all the desserts I like! I like cake, Ice cream and MANY more!

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