A few weeks back, I tour guided my old school, around my new school. It was really fun. First, we went to 2nd period to tell them that we were there.  Then, we ran to the office and put our backpacks down. We then ran to the cafeteria to find all sorts of different schools. When I seen my school, I was so excited to see who I would get to tour because you only get to tour 8 kids.
    When I got my 8 kids for tour guiding, I only knew one but the rest I didn't know. I thought that it would be a hassle trying to control them because they looked kind of defiant. I walked around with them and I learned that they were really nice and sweet. I actually only had 6 kids, 3 boys and 3 girls. They asked LOTs of questions which I thought was nice. My friend said that hers were so quiet and didn't ask anything. I felt awesome that I got a good group. I took them in the computer room, art room, showed them the locker and much more. Soon, it was time to take them in. I had forgotten to take them into the science lab! We rushed over to the science lab, looked at the snakes and mice, and then they left on the bus. That was my experience with tour guiding.
11/9/2012 06:25:25 am

Very Good There Is Just A Few Grammar Mistakes, But Overall It Is Very Good . ;DD


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