Do you know about 9/11? This year is the 11th anniversary of when it happened. Thats like my whole lifetime, meaning that I was probably a few months old or maybe even 1 year! 9/11 is a sad, memorable day. It made such an impact that older people know exactly where they were and maybe even the time or place they were standing! If you don't know about 9/11, I will tell you a little bit about it. First of all, 9/11 was 11 years ago, on the day September 11, 2001. Osama Bin Laden had his crew fly into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. It killed so many people and was so devastating. I don't exactly know why they did it but I know it was a terrorist attack. 9/11 is really something to care about.

         Here at my school we have a lot of activities, like every friday we have something different to look foward to. This past friday we had marshmallow drop. This is where you get to drop marshmallows into teachers mouth up high from a ladder. Although I didn't get to do it because I was to late, it looked like a lot of fun. My school has many many sports. Some are water polo, golf, volleyball, football, basketball, cross country, and more! We also have clubs like drama club, chess club, Young Writers club, and tons more! We also have homework lab in the library if you need somewhere quiet. Therefore, I really like to do after school activities!
      The presidental election means a lot to me because I heard that Romney doesn't want Hispanics here. My family and I are Hispanic so we worry that he might be elected. I also like the election because it is exciting on who gets elected. I would like Obama to be elected again because he is a good role model to me. I have to say sometimes I don't really care about what goes on in the world and sometimes I do. This presidental election will be something I have to focuse on. I really really want Obama to win, but if he doesn't well that's life. I would vote for him but I'm underage. When I turn 18 I will vote because it is a privilage that us U.S citizens get to have. Therefore, I do care about the upcoming presidental election.
         I'm going to tell you what I like to do in my free time. Well I like to go outside and play with my friends. I also like to play volleyball. I didn't try out for the volleyball team because I do not like to play in the sun too much. Another thing I like to draw. Im not that good at drawing but its really fun to me. Sometimes I draw good drawings and other times I do quick sketches. Another sport I like to play is basketball. I might try out for the basketball team. Even though I'm short, I'm still pretty good. One last thing I like to do in my free time is to play games with my little cousin. Sometimes we play Xbox Kinect or the Wii. Also, we like to play on my phone and iPad. I would play on my iPad and she would play on my phone and we would play online together. That's what I like to do in my free time.
      I had a few big fears about middle school, so here they are. First, I was scared that I was going to get lost. Well that fear did not come true suprisingly, all the teachers were very helpful to show students where to go. Second, is that I got scared that I was going to get pushed or shoved around. That didn't really happen either. I'm glad that that didn't happen to me. Last of all, that I wasn't going to make new friends. Even though I had a couple of friends going to my school, I still wanted to make new friends. I actually did make alot of friends. Middle school now is very fun.
       Have you ever been bullied before? Bullying is when an insecure person hurts the victim in a way. Even though I haven't been bullied before, I know bullying is not right. A lot of kids get bullied at school everyday. I know it seems like it doesn't hurt them, but in reality it really does hurts them, emotionally and physically. Another type of bullying is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is when a bullly threatens or says something mean or hurtful to the victim online. Therefore bullying should not be allowed anywhere and I think adults should watch out for kids more.
I imagine future computers will make a big impact on our lives. I think that computers will be able to help us do more things like ... turn on our tv by voice or they might even have arms and legs to help us wash our car or do the dishes. I believe that one day computers might drive our own cars while we relax. That would be really nice. Computers may have holographic pictures, laser keyboards, or maybe even a projector! I think someone will come up with a 3D screen if they don't already have one. One day computers might even be able to heat up a pan or pot! They might even invent a mini portable printer!