I'm going to tell you what I like to do in my free time. Well I like to go outside and play with my friends. I also like to play volleyball. I didn't try out for the volleyball team because I do not like to play in the sun too much. Another thing I like to draw. Im not that good at drawing but its really fun to me. Sometimes I draw good drawings and other times I do quick sketches. Another sport I like to play is basketball. I might try out for the basketball team. Even though I'm short, I'm still pretty good. One last thing I like to do in my free time is to play games with my little cousin. Sometimes we play Xbox Kinect or the Wii. Also, we like to play on my phone and iPad. I would play on my iPad and she would play on my phone and we would play online together. That's what I like to do in my free time.

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