Do you know how to solve 2x-7=15? Well, if you don't then keep on reading because I will show you how to solve this equation step-by-step. This problem is actually super easy! First off, I like to draw a straight line through the equal sign, just to separate the sides and plus it is much easier to solve that way. So now you would have 2x-7|=15. Next, you would have to cancel out the seven and and do the opposite of the equation. Since the equation says -7, then we are going to do +7 and that will cancel out our seven so now all we have left is 2x=15. 

Now you want to do the same thing that we did to the other side which was +7 to 15. Then, you want to add them together and 15+7=22. Now you have 2x=22. Then, you will have to do the opposite of the problem again which is dividing. You will have to divide 22 by 2. Then, if you divided correctly, your answer should be 11.

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