This is a picture of a game I completed for math. Even though the topics, decimals, integers, and fractions all seem easy, you really had to think about what you were doing. On mine fortunatly was easy as you ca see because almost everything equaled 0/12. But on my other ones like fractions and decimals, It was more harder. 
   This game has helped me reflect on my skills. It helped me with my integers because I used to get so confused about negatives and positives, but now I don't struggle with it. 
    Have you ever wondered why an inequality with an "equal to" has a closed dot rather than a open dot ? For example, 2 greater than or equal to would be a closed dot because it can be 2 but it can be greater than to also. One of the reasons of the difference is the meaning. An inequality with a closed dot means greater than or equal to OR less than or equal to. 
      MATH MONDAY! Today I will tell you about the methods I like to use to help me solve problems in math. These are some easy steps I like to use during math time. One method is to simplify. I like to simplify because it makes it easier when you get your final answer. For example, 2/10 x 5/20 can be reduced to 1/2 x 1/10. Your final answer would be 1/20 and you can't simplify. If you didn't simplify before you would get a big number and then you would have to simplify big numbers. One more method I like to use is KCC or KFC, which is Keep change change or keep flip change. 
     For example, -2 - 4. You keep the -2 change the - to a + and change 4 to -4. This is one of my favorite methods to use.
      Have you ever wondered why there is an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1 ? If you have, then you should keep reading to learn why. The reason is because of decimals. As you probably already know, there are alot of decimals. For example, 0.1, 0.2, or even 0.8361738. 




         Have you ever wondered how to get the volume of an irregular shaped object? If you have and don't know how, I will tell you how. First of all, volume is the length times width times height and then you get your answer. You want to get something full of water and that can hold your irregular figure. So you place your irregular object in the water and subtract that number and the regular number. For example, if I need to measure a rock, lets say I put in 40 grams of water then I put the rock in and it goes up to 60 grams, then that means the 60 - 40 = 20 so the volume of the rock is 20. Lets try another one. I want to see what a bouncy balls volume is.

    Step 1: Find how much grams of water you put in the graduated cylinder. (60g)
    Step 2: Place bouncy ball inside water, see how much that is now.  (70g)
    Step 3: Subtract the changed number from the original number.  (70 - 60 = 10)
                    ANSWER: your volume is 10.

       As the denominater gets larger in a fraction why does the number get smaller. Since that is a simple question there is a simple answer. Lets think about it. If you have a chocolate bar but you have 10 friends with you that want a piece, you have to cut it for each friend. as you cut more and more pieces the pieces get smaller every time. The reason it gets smaller is because each time you make a another piece, all of the pieces get smaller. 

                   Lets do another one:

              I have 1 pizza, but I have to split it with my family. I have 4 people in my family so I have to cut it into four pieces. Now instead of having one whole pizza to myself i only have 1/4 of a pizza. Lets say 2 more of my relatives come over, now we have to split 6 pieces evenly and so they would get smaller. I hope you learned something from this and this is how you the number gets smaller when the denominater gets smaller
      In math today, we learned to tell if a number is rational or irrational. Rational is when a number is repeating or terminating. We were taught a little trick. For example if I have .23 that equals 23/100 and you minus 1 from 100 and get 99, so the answer is 23/99. If we have the number .4 the answer would be 4/9, but our teacher said we have to use the real way at least once though. I didn't really get how to get the actual number so I either might ask my dad or go in to her class the next morning. The teachers really want you to succeed so they will be sure to help.