Yesterday, we had to read an article about Santa Claus and his reindeer. Then we had to read another article about why the other article was wrong. Do you think Santa Claus is real ? When you were little, did  your parents tell you he was real ? Here is what I think. I think that Santa Claus is not real. You might ask why ? Well, I think Santa is not real because I actually never received anything from "Santa" even though my parents said he was real. So now for a reasonable explanation on why I think this.
     The reason I think Santa Claus is not real is because how can reindeers be able to fly ? I really do not think that they can fly, and that Santa does not live in the North Pole. How can Santa really deliver all those toys out to all of the people in the world ? Some people might disagree with me and say, but Santa doesn't deliver to Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist, so it reduces the work load. The other article we had to read was about how this article about Santa was wrong. This is what I think.
12/19/2012 05:56:12 am

That was really good. Good job you really mentioned the aclaim and gave the evidence.

12/19/2012 05:59:51 am

This is good, but you should put more details in your blogs.


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