

       Have you ever wondered what the structure of DNA was ? DNA is what makes up you and your traits. DNA is inside the nucleus. DNA stands for Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid. This is made up of deoxyribose sugar, phosphate group, adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. 
Have you ever wanted to know what mitosis is and what it does ? Today I am going to tell you about it. Mitosis is basically how a cell recreates itself or how it reproduces. Mitosis has six stages, interphase, prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase, cytokinesis. Most cells that you will see will most likely be in their interphase stage but a few will be in other stage like telophase or maybe even cytokinesis. 
    I am going to compare and contrast the bacteria, plant, and animal cells. Well, to start off, animal and plant cells have many things in common. They both have cell membranes, ER, nucleus, cytoplasm, etc. They both have ribosomes, a vacuole, mitochondria, chromatin and more. They have a large amount  of things in common. The plant cell has a cell wall and chloroplast which an animal cell does not have. The reason a plant cell needs chloropast is so that they can make thier own food. The cell wall on the plant cell works like a cell membrane on an animal cell. It also has a cell membran though, so its like you have a double layer. An animal cell has lysosomes that plant cells do not have. This is my compare and contrast.
    Our edible cell project was very fun and also educational. Our edible cell project is when we bring lots of things from home then we make either a animal or plant cell. I think the science teachers should continue to do this edible cell project. It is very educational and helps memorize where the parts are. I'm sure the other kids would love to do it too. The funnest part ? Eating it !
     The things I learned about this fun project was that I knew where the cell parts are and this really realy helped me learn the names and describe what they do. I would love to do this again if I could. I think this project has helped my science grade a LOT, because I went really up with my grades. This is why I think we should 




     There are many organelles in a cell. I will tell you about 3 cell parts and describe what they are and what they do. First, I will tell you about ribosomes. Second, the mitochondria. And last, the cell membrane.
    First, is the Ribosomes. Ribosomes are really small. They are th smallest organelle. Even though Ribosomes are quite small, protein is made in the Ribosome. You can find ribosomes in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulums wall. Second, is the Mitochondria. Mitochondria breaks down food to release energy. The mitochondria also makes ATP. Third, is the cell membrane. The cell membrane is flexible and thin. It is full of holes. It also controls what comes in and out of the cell. It is located along the edges of the cell. 

      In conclusion, I talked about the ribosome, mitochondria, and the cell membrane. I really enjoyed learning the cell parts because we got to do edible cells which I think is very fun. I think that we should do more edible cell projects because it teaches us responsibility. 
     Did you know that rats grow and develop differently? The growth of baby rats is different then ours. Yes, it is true. Baby rats. . . well I shouldn't say babies. . . When rats get bigger mostly all of their body parts get bigger, unlike us. Well you might be wondering . . a lot of our body parts grow too. Yes, but not all only most. As rats grow their heads, tails, arms, feet, and legs get bigger or longer too. Rats can climb up things really fast and like to exercise a lot. 
    In one of our science classrooms, we measure rats and find their mass. I can say the rats have gotten big. . .  and I mean HUGE ! They are so big, I don't even like to them. This is the growth of baby rats
   In Science, we learned may wonderful things. First of all we learned about the safety of science. We know that you have to wear your safety goggles or glasses at all times! If you don't wear them we can get a zero. It is very important to wear them because if your partner accidently makes something explode it won't get into your eye because the goggles have side panels. They are also shatter resistant. We also got to find the volume of different size boxes. Volume is multiplying the length times width times height. Volume is really easy for me because multiplying is easy for me. We also learned what different types of science tools were called like beaker, test tubes, hot plate, flask and many more.
        Another thing we learned about was the shower and the eye flush. We learned that the eye flush has little tiny holes and a lid to it so no dust specks get into it. To activate the eye flush, you simply push the green paddle back. The shower is a bit different but easy, all you do is pull the triangle down and lots of water comes down. If its really bad you might have to take off your clothes. Science to me is very fun and interesting because you get to do fun experiments! Although we haven't done any yet, I know we will do some fun ones!